Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Colin et me Posted by Hello

 Posted by Hello

Ferry away from Cap Ferret Posted by Hello

Dune de Pyla in the distance, odd place for one if you ask me Posted by Hello

The Woman on the Blue Bicycle and Cap Ferret

During World War II, the boundary between free and occupied France was just a few kilometers away from Lily's house in Barie. The owner of their "house," then a stable and part of a larger estate, was a woman known for riding a blue bicycle, who according to the story helped aid and smuggle Jews and French resistance fighters across the state line. A book and a movie have apparently been made about this amazing lady, who personally sold the Royer's (Lily's family) their house a couple years ago!!! Incroyable!

The next bit o' pics are from the following weekend, when the weather was warmer than it had been before or since, and Colin and I went to Cap Ferret, a peninsula about an hour from Bordeaux...

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Twilight Barie, Aquitaine countryside Posted by Hello

Barie at dusk Posted by Hello

Tsipy wearing one of the papier maché masques that Koba (la mère de Lily) is making, Pépin in the background Posted by Hello

River that flows all the way to Toulouse, and then onwards to the Mediterranean, I believe Posted by Hello

Lily, Adeline, Tsipy, et Pépin (le père de Lily) Posted by Hello

Me in my winning position during "cache cache" which means hidden hidden, and is la version Française of hide-and-go-seek... Posted by Hello

Chez Lily, a converted stable in Barie near La Réole, one hour from Bordeaux Posted by Hello

Catch Up

So I've let things get a little dusty round these parts...
Gonna dig through the past to get to the present,and its days of April hailing and open door purse snatchers. But first, the weekend of Lily's birthday around March 12thish at her family's home, then a day trip to Cap Ferret with Colin, followed by myfirst real family vacation, (including shout outs to mums, pops, and fig)
