Wednesday, February 09, 2005

The Good Kind of Tired

Right now I'm just waiting around until my basketball class/practice begins...
I am in settling in to la vie quotidienne, daily life here. Last night had dinner with French friends, these really superrrrrcool (roll that R like a reél Français)people from my film classes. Great conversation although certainly not without the occasional linguistic blunder on my part, delicious food and a steady flow of wine.

Today, in my histoire du cinema class, the professor expounded upon the French fascination with cooboys (they cant say cowboys) and Westerns in la système Hollyoodiènne...

Then after lunch, it was Baudelaire's Fleures du Mal, Flowers of Evil... one can see why it was censored in its day!

Now basketball soon, and then later tonight, a rendez-vous between French and American Students at L'Absolut Lounge (under the thin veil of Political Science Students discussion) but you all know how college kids will be college kids.

I hope everyone is well, and Ill be sending round some personal emails soon.


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