Tuesday, February 15, 2005


I am officially sick, looks like there was no avoiding it after all. When you're packed in next to throngs of coughers on the tramway, staying out 2 late, and walking kilometres and kilometres in the cold, it's bound to happen.

Oh well, time to regroup, and I guess as Freud would say, withdraw some of my object libido back into ego libido, that is, if our pysches look like pseudopods anyway.

But I'm super digressing, dont even know why I just typed that, becoming delusional must be a symptom of my illness.

I'm in the computer room here at school, and just trying to keep myself together. It's not unbearable, just a general ache, sore throat, complete exhaustion...

I hope you are all healthy in this frigid Feb and had wondeful Jour de St. Valentin!

Let's see, as for updates, I'm gonna try and see the opera this week, if I can get tickets. Tosca's Puccini, c'est fameux, je pense...

No bball pour moi today. Maybe a french movie with the American and French crew, the two are mingling well.

A bientot,

Joël (silly French dots)

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